Rules of Joining:
1. Must be 13 years and older*
2. Must respect all the members
3. Should participate in forums
4. Keep profanity mild
5. Add [ERS] into your username with correct brackets
6. And not participate in flame wars
*Exceptions will be made to younger people who show a sense of maturity or a high level of skill.
To join, please make a topic below with this format:
Socom: Fireteam Bravo 1 or 2
Online ftb1/2 handle:
Your rating: (rate yourself in ftb1/2 from 1-10, 10 being the best)
Preferred Loadout and Role during Combat:
How did you find [ERS]:
Timezone (eg. EST, GMT):
Star Wars: Renegade Squadron
Online Username:
Your personal rating:(rate yourself in SW:RS from 1-10, 10 being the best)
Preferred loadout(s):
How did you find [ERS]:
Timezone (eg. EST, GMT):